Number of items: 172.
Journal Article
de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke
Hyperpartisan, Alternative, and Conspiracy Media Users: An Anti-Establishment Portrait.
Political communication, pp. 1-26.
Taylor & Francis
Maier, Manuela; Adam, Silke; Gil Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Bromme, Laurits; Christner, Clara; De León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra
Populist radical-right attitudes, political involvement and selective information consumption: who tunes out and who prefers attitude-consonant information.
Mass Communication and Society
Maier, Michaela; Gil-López, Teresa; Bromme, Laurits; Zinkernagel, Axel; Welzenbach-Vogel, Ines C.; Christner, Clara; Adam, Silke; Schmitt, Manfred; Tillman, Erik R.
The interplay between explicit and implicit right-wing populism in Germany and Switzerland.
Political Psychology, 44(6), pp. 1235-1258.
Gil-López, Teresa; Christner, Clara; De León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
Do (Not!) Track Me: Relationship Between Willingness to Participate and Sample Composition in Online Information Behavior Tracking Research.
Social science computer review, 41(6), pp. 2274-2292.
Adam, Silke; Urman, Aleksandra; Arlt, Dorothee; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela
Media Trust and the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Analysis of Short-Term Trust Changes, Their Ideological Drivers and Consequences in Switzerland.
Communication research, 50(2), pp. 205-229.
De León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke
Anti-Establishment Hyperpartisan, Alternative, and Conspiracy Media Users: A Portrait (In Press).
Political communication
Taylor & Francis
de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Urman, Aleksandra; Adam, Silke
News, Threats, and Trust: How COVID-19 News Shaped Political Trust, and How Threat Perceptions Conditioned This Relationship.
The international journal of press/politics, 28(4), pp. 952-974.
Christner, Clara; Urman, Aleksandra; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Automated Tracking Approaches for Studying Online Media Use: A Critical Review and Recommendations.
Communication methods and measures, 16(2), pp. 79-95.
Taylor & Francis
Eugster, Beatrice; Adam, Silke; Jansen, Severin; Maier, Michaela
Negativity about Europe: Does it propel parties’ media visibility?
Communications, 46(4), pp. 564-587.
De Gruyter
Eugster, Beatrice; Jalali, Carlos; Maier, Michaela; Bathelt, Severin; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie; Adam, Silke; Negrine, Ralph; Demertzis, Nicolas
When do European election campaigns become about Europe?
West European politics, 44(7), pp. 1425-1454.
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah
How climate change skeptics (try to) spread their ideas: Using computational methods to assess the resonance among skeptics’ and legacy media.
PLoS ONE, 15(10), e0240089.
Public Library of Science
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli; Arlt, Dorothee; Elgesem, Dag; Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas
A dynamic perspective on publics and counterpublics: The role of the blogosphere in pushing the issue of climate change during the 2016 US presidential campaign.
Environmental communication, 14(3), pp. 378-390.
Taylor and Francis Group
Jansen, A. Severin; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
Who Drives the Agenda: Media or Parties? A Seven-Country Comparison in the Run-Up to the 2014 European Parliament Elections.
The international journal of press, politics, 24(1), pp. 7-26.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli
Coalitions and counter-coalitions in online contestation: An analysis of the German and British climate change debate.
New media & society, 21(11-12), pp. 2671-2690.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas; Maier, Daniel; Miltner, Peter; Pfetsch, Barbara; Waldherr, Annie
Homophily and prestige: An assessment of their relative strength to explain link formation in the online climate change debate.
Social networks, 55, pp. 47-54.
Maier, Daniel; Waldherr, Annie; Miltner, Peter; Wiedemann, Gregor; Niekler, Andreas; Keinert, Alexa; Pfetsch, Barbara; Heyer, Gerhard; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke
Applying LDA topic modeling in communication research: Toward a valid and reliable methodology.
Communication methods and measures, 12(2-3), pp. 93-118.
Taylor & Francis
Häussler, Thomas; Adam, Silke; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli
How Political Conflict Shapes Online Spaces: A Comparison of Climate Change Hyperlink Networks in the U.S. and Germany.
International journal of communication, 11, pp. 3096-3117.
USC Annenberg
Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria; Azrout, Rachid; Möller, Judith; De Vreese, Claes; Maier, Michaela; Kritzinger, Sylvia
News media’s position-taking regarding the European Union: the synchronization of mass media’s reporting and commentating in the 2014 European Parliament elections.
Journal of European public policy, 26(1), pp. 44-62.
Taylor & Francis
Maier, Michaela; Bacherle, Patrick; Adam, Silke; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie
The interplay between parties and media in putting EU issues on the agenda.
Party politics, 25(2), pp. 167-178.
Sage Publications
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Maier, Jürgen
Does the messenger matter? A comparison of the effects of Eurosceptic messages communicated by mainstream and radical right-wing parties on citizens’ EU attitudes.
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 27(3), pp. 330-349.
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria; Eugster, Beatrice; Leidecker-Sandmann, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Schmidt, Franzisca
Strategies of pro-EU parties in the face of a Euroskeptic challenge.
European Union Politics, 18(2), pp. 260-282.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Häussler, Thomas; Adam, Silke
Different actors, different factors? A comparison of the news factor orientation between newspaper journalists and civil-society actors.
Communications, 41(4), pp. 399-419.
Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke; Reber, Ueli; Arlt, Dorothee
The climate of debate: How institutional factors shape legislative discourses on climate change. A comparative framing perspective.
Studies in communication sciences, 16(1), pp. 94-102.
Häussler, Thomas; Arlt, Dorothee; Schmidt, Franzisca; Adam, Silke
Contexts and their consequences: approaches, challenges and results of comparative communication and media research.
Studies in communication sciences, 16(1), pp. 52-53.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke; Schmucki, Ivo; Häussler, Thomas
A changing climate of skepticism: The factors shaping climate change coverage in the US press.
Public understanding of science, 26(4), pp. 498-513.
Maier, Michaela; Maier, Jürgen; Baumert, Anna; Jahn, Nico; Krause, Stefan; Adam, Silke
Measuring citizens' implicit and explicit attitudes towards the European Union.
European Union politics, 16(3), pp. 369-385.
Sage Publications
de Vreese, Claes H.; Adam, Silke; Berganza, Rosa
Guest Editorial.
Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1), pp. 2-7.
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; de Vreese, Claes H.; Schuck, Andreas R. T.; Stetka, Vaclav; Jalali, Carlos; Seeber, Gilg U. H.; Negrine, Ralph; Raycheva, Lilia; Berganza, Rosa; Róka, Jolán; Dobek-Ostrowska, Boguslawa; Nord, Lars; Balzer, Matthias; Baumli, Manuela
Campaigning Against Europe? The Role of Euroskeptic Fringe and Mainstream Parties in the 2009 European Parliament Election.
Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1), pp. 77-99.
Taylor & Francis
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke; Bennett, W. Lance
The critical linkage between online and offline media - An approach to researching the conditions of issue spill-over.
Javnost - The Public, 20(3), pp. 9-22.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Maier, Jürgen
The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens' EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections.
EUROPEAN UNION POLITICS, 13(4), pp. 580-603.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
National parties as politicizers of EU integration? Party campaign communication in the up-run to the 2009 European Parliament Election.
European Union politics, 12(3), pp. 431-454.
London: Sage Publications
Lee Kaid, Linda; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Gli spot televisivi nelle elezioni europee del 2009. Strategie di campaigning a confronto.
Comunicazione politica - com pol(1), pp. 33-48.
Milano: FrancoAngeli
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Parteikampagnen bei der Europawahl.
Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen, 22(2), pp. 78-84.
De Gruyter
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke; Eschner, Barbara
The contribution of the press to Europeanization of public debates: A comparative study of issue salience and conflict lines of European integration.
Journalism, 9(4), pp. 465-492.
Adam, Silke
Media content from a network perspective. Gaining new insight by combining content and network analyses.
Publizistik - Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 53(2), pp. 180-199.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke
Olaf Jandura: Kleinparteien in der Mediendemokratie.
Publizistik - Vierteljahreshefte für Kommunikationsforschung, 53(2), pp. 267-268.
VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke
Do mass media portray Europe as a community? German and French Debates on eu Enlargement and a Common Constitution.
Javnost - The Public, 15(1), pp. 91-112.
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke
Domestic adaptations of Europe. A comparative study of the debates on EU enlargement and a common Constitution in the German and French quality press.
International journal of public opinion research, 19(4), pp. 409-433.
Oxford University Press
Adam, Silke
Markus Lehmkuhl: Massenmedien und interpersonale Kommunikation. Eine explorative Studie am Beispiel BSE.
Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft, 55(2), pp. 265-267.
Kriesi, Hanspeter; Adam, Silke; Jochum, Margit
Comparative analysis of policy networks in Western Europe.
Journal of European public policy, 13(3), pp. 341-361.
Taylor & Francis
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
A Review of “Shaping Abortion Discourse: Democracy and the Public Sphere in Germany and the United States”.
Political communication, 22(2), pp. 250-252.
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke
Das Fernsehen ist stärker. US-Wahl 2000: Medien und Einstellungsbildung der Bevölkerung.
Medien-Tenor : Forschungsbericht, 111, pp. 42-45.
Newspaper or Magazine Article
Adam, Silke
(February 2018).
Führt das Internet in ein postfaktisches Zeitalter?
UniPress - Forschung und Wissenschaft an der Universität Bern, 173, p. 34.
Abteilung Kommunikation, Universität Bern
Adam, Silke
(February 2018).
Der Beitrag des Service Public zur Demokratie.
focus - Newsletter des Schweizerischen Städteverbandes, 2018(1), p. 3.
Schweizerischer Städteverband
Book Section
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke
Innovative Methoden der Inhaltsanalyse - automatisierte Verfahren im Fokus.
Faas, Thorsten; Gabriel, Oscar W.; Maier, Jürgen
Politikwissenschaftliche Einstellungs- und Verhaltensforschung. Handbuch für Wissenschaft und Studium (pp. 669-680).
Baden-Baden: Nomos
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Campaigning on or downplaying EU integration? Explaining the salience parties attach to EU matters in European Parliamentary election campaigns.
Brug, Wouter van den; Vreese, Claes H. de
(Un-)Intended Consequences of European Parliamentary Elections.
Oxford: Oxford University Press
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli
Identifying and analyzing hyperlink issue networks.
Vowe, Gerhard; Henn, Philipp
Political Communication in the Online World: Theoretical Approaches and Research Designs. Routledge Research in Political Communication: Vol. 13 (pp. 233-247).
New York: Routledge
Adam, Silke
European Public Sphere.
Mazzoleni, Gianpetro; Barnhurst, Kevin G.; Ikeda, Ken'ichi; Maia, Rousiley C.M.; Wessler, Hartmut
International Encyclopedia of Political Communication. The Wiley Blackwell-ICA International Encyclopedias of Communication (pp. 1-9).
New York: Wiley-Blackwell
Maier, Daniel; Waldherr, Annie; Miltner, Peter; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Häussler, Thomas; Adam, Silke
Stichprobenziehung aus dem Netz – Wie man themenspezifische Online-Inhalte erfassen kann.
Sommer, Katharina; Wettstein, Martin; Wirth, Werner; Matthes, Jörg
Automatisierung in der Inhaltsanalyse. Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Vol. 11 (pp. 90-110).
Köln: Halem
Adam, Silke; Pfetsch, Barbara
Democratic Potentials of Online Communication for Political Debate.
Dobek-Ostrowska, Boguslawa; Garlicki, Jan
Political Communication in the Era of New Technologies. Studies in Communication and Politics: Vol. 1 (pp. 31-42).
Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang
Adam, Silke
Gibt es eine europäische Öffentlichkeit?
Schäfer, Mike S.; Schlichting, Inga
50 Fragen, 50 Antworten, 50 Jahre DGPuK (pp. 28-29).
Eichstätt/Hamburg: Deutsche Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft
Vogelgesang, Jens; Adam, Silke
Silke Adam (Bern) über das eigene Studium im Rückblick (Interview geführt von Jens Vogelgesang).
Kommunikationswissenschaft studieren (pp. 142-144).
Wiesbaden: Springer
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; de Vreese, Claes; Schuck, Andreas; Berganza, Rosa; Stetka, Vaclav; Negrine, Ralph; Jalali, Carlos; Raycheva, Lilia; Roka, Jolan; Dobek, Boguslawa; Grusell, Marie; Seeber, Gilg; Baumli, Manuela
Between Integration and Demarcation: Effects of Europeanized and national campaigns on voters in the 2009 European Parliament election.
Maier, Michaela; Strömbäck, Jesper; Kaid, Lynda Lee
European Political Communication: Campaign Strategies, Media Coverage, and Campaign Effects in European Parliamentary Elections (pp. 233-256).
Ashgate Publishing Limited
Kaid, Lynda Lee; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Televised Advertising in the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections. Comparing Campaign Strategies and Videostyles.
Maier, Michaela; Strömbäck, Jesper; Kaid, Lynda Lee
European Political Communication: Campaign Strategies, Media Coverage, and Campaign Effects in European Parliamentary Elections (pp. 91-110).
Ashgate Publishing Limited
Adam, Silke
PR-Evaluation und -Planung aus der Netzwerkperspektive. Neue Erkenntnisse bei der Untersuchung von Medieninhalten durch die Verbindung von Inhalts- und Netzwerkanalyse.
Woelke, Jens; Maurer, Marcus; Jandura, Olaf
Forschungsmethoden für die Markt- und Organisationskommunikation. Methoden und Forschungslogik der Kommunikationswissenschaft: Vol. 5 (pp. 143-170).
Herbert von Halem Verlag
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke; Eschner, Barbara
The Media's Voice over Europe: Issue salience, openness and conflict lines in editorials.
Koopmans, R.; Statham, P.
The Making of a European Public Sphere: Political Communication and Collective Action in an Era of European Governance (pp. 151-170).
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Personalization of Politics - Towards a Future Research Agenda. A Critical Review of the Empirical and Normative State of the Art.
Salmon, Charles T.
Communication Yearbook, vol. 34 (pp. 213-259).
London: Routledge
Adam, Silke
Euroscepticism and the mass media. An analysis of the form of contention in the German and French debates on a European Constitution.
Roger, Antoine; Fuchs, Dieter; Magni-Berton, Raul
Euroscepticsm. Images of Europe among mass publics and political elites (pp. 193-214).
Farmington Hills: Budrich
Adam, Silke; Pfetsch, Barbara
Europa als Konflikt in nationalen Medien - Zur Politisierung der Positionen in der Integrationsdebatte.
Marcinkowski, Frank; Pfetsch, Barbara
Politik in der Mediendemokratie (pp. 559-584).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke
Massenmedien als Herausforderer oder Agenturen nationaler Eliten? Eine Analyse der deutschen und französischen EU-Erweiterungsdebatte.
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
Massenmedien als politische Akteure. Konzepte und Analysen (pp. 116-143).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke; Jochum, Margit; Kriesi, Hanspeter
Coalitions in policy networks. The domestic context of European politics.
Maloney, William A.; van Deth, Jan W.
Civil Society and Governance in Europe: From National to International Linkages? (pp. 193-217).
Cheltenham: Edward Elgar
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
Die Akteursperspektive in der politischen Kommunikationsforschung – Fragestellungen, Forschungsparadigmen und Problemlagen.
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
Massenmedien als politische Akteure. Konzepte und Analysen (pp. 9-26).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke; Kriesi, Hanspeter
The network approach.
Sabatier, Paul A.
Theories of the Policy Process (pp. 129-154).
Boulder Colorado: Westview Press
Pfetsch, Barbara; Mayerhöffer, Eva; Adam, Silke
Politische Kommunikation.
Thomass, Barbara
Mediensysteme im internationalen Vergleich. UTB: Vol. 2831 (pp. 59-75).
Konstanz: UVK
Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
Media Structures as an Obstacle to the Europeanization of Public Spheres? Development of a Cross-National Typology.
Maier, Michaela; Tenscher, Jens
Campaigning in Europe – Campaigning for Europe. Medien : Forschung und Wissenschaft: Vol. 12 (pp. 45-63).
Berlin: Lit
Adam, Silke; Pfetsch, B.
Politische Kommunikation.
Weischenberg, Siegfried; Kleinsteuber, Hans J.; Pörksen, Bernhard
Handbuch Journalismus und Medien (pp. 349-353).
Konstanz: UVK
Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara; Pfetsch, Barbara
Public Relations aus politikwissenschaftlicher Sicht.
Bentele, Günther; Fröhlich, Romy; Szyszka, Peter
Handbuch der Public Relations (pp. 78-90).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke
Stichwort Politische PR.
Bentele, Günther; Fröhlich, Romy; Szyszka, Peter
Handbuch der Public Relations (p. 598).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Görlitz, Axel; Adam, Silke
„Strukturelle Kopplung“ als Steuerungstheorie: Rekonstruktion und Kritik.
Hellmann, Kai-Uwe; Fischer, Karsten; Bluhm, Harald
Das System der Politik. Niklas Luhmanns politische Theorie (pp. 271-289).
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
Massenmedien als politische Akteure - Konzepte und Analysen.
Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften
Adam, Silke
Symbolische Netzwerke in Europa. Der Einfluss der nationalen Ebene auf europäische Öffentlichkeit. Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich.
Köln: Halem
Adam, Silke
Wahlen in der Mediendemokratie. Der Beitrag von Medienwirkungstheorien zur Wahlforschung am Beispiel der amerikanischen Präsidentschaftswahl 2000.
Stuttgart: Edition 451
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Knocks, Stefanie; Sager, Patricia; Adam, Silke
Synthetische Biologie in der Gesellschaft. Eine neue Technologie in der öffentlichen Diskussion. Abschlussbericht
Bern: Zentrum für Technologiefolgen-Abschätzung
Conference or Workshop Item
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; de León, Ernesto; Urmann, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Bromme, Laurits
(7 March 2024).
How populist radical-right attitudes and political involvement affect who tunes out from politics and who prefers attitude-consonant information – combining survey, tracking and automated content analysis (Unpublished).
Gastvortrag ASCOR, University of Amsterdam.
Adam, Silke; Rohrbach, Tobias; Makhortykh, Mykola; Keller, Franziska; Valli, Chiara Lisa; Baghumyan, Ani; de León, Ernesto
(29 February 2024).
Die Verbreitung von Verschwörungsideen: eine Feldstudie zu Beginn der Covid-19 Pandemie (Unpublished).
Symposium „Information, Netzwerke und digitale Öffentlichkeiten in der politischen Kommunikation".
Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke; Keller, Franziska; Sydorova, Maryna; Urman, Aleksandra
(6 September 2023).
Auditing the effect of search personalisation on the visibility of COVID- and Holocaust-related misinformation on Google in Switzerland (Unpublished).
ECPR 2023.
4-8 September 2023.
Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke; Sydorova, Maryna; Keller, Franziska; Urman, Aleksandra
(19 July 2023).
Auditing YouTube algorithms in relation to Holocaust and COVID misinformation (Unpublished).
17-20 July 2023.
Adam, Silke; de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Rohrbach, Tobias; Keller, Franziska; Valli, Chiara Lisa; Baghumyan, Ani; Gil Lopez, Teresa
(June 2023).
What makes people trust conspiracy ideas (Unpublished).
Workshop Information quality and trust.
Adam, Silke; de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Rohrbach, Tobias; Keller, Franziska; Valli, Chiara Lisa; Baghumyan, Ani; Gil Lopez, Teresa; Maier, Michaela
(13 May 2023).
Wie Informationen und Voreinstellungen den Glauben an Verschwörungstheorien beeinflussen (Unpublished).
Münchenwiler Seminar.
Schloss Münchenwil.
de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke
(30 May 2022).
Walking Roads to Hyperpartisan News: Online Intermediaries to COVID-19 News During the Outbreak of the Pandemic (Unpublished).
72nd Annual ICA Conference - "One world, one network?!".
Paris, France.
Makhortykh, Mykola; de León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Christner, Clara; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(29 May 2022).
Panning for Gold: Lessons Learned From Automated Classification of Political and Populist Radical Right Content for German Textual Content (Unpublished).
72nd Annual ICA Conference - "One world, one network?!".
Paris, France.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Makhortykh, Mykola; Ulloa, Roberto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Gil-Lopez, Teresa
(28 May 2022).
One Does Not Simply Analyze Tracking Data: Challenges of Utilizing Large-Scale Tracking Collections for Communication Research (Unpublished).
72nd Annual ICA Conference - "One world, one network?!".
Paris, France.
Makhortykh, Mykola; de León Williams, Ernesto Emiliano; Christner, Clara; Sydorova, Maryna; Urman, Aleksandra; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Gil-Lopez, Teresa
Is a single model enough? Lessons learned from systematically comparing automated classifications of populist radical right content in German (Unpublished).
ECPR General Conference.
22-26 August 2022.
de León Williams, Ernesto Emiliano; Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke
A Portrait of Alternative COVID-19 News Users – Who They Are, What They Read and How They Access It (Unpublished).
ECPR General Conference.
22-26 August 2022.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Makhortykh, Mykola; Bromme, Laurits; Christner, Clara; De Leon, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra
Populist Radical-Right Attitudes and Selective Information Exposure: Studying Who Tunes Out and Who Prefers Attitude-Consonant Information (Unpublished).
72nd Annual International Communication Association (ICA) conference.
26.-31. Mai 2022.
Adam, Silke; Keller, Franziska; Eugster, Beatrice; Valli, Chiara Lisa; Makhortykh, Mykola; De León, Ernesto; Baghumyan, Ani
Preparing for the next pandemic - when does mainstream media content foster belief in conspiracy theories? (Unpublished).
MCID Bern Opening Event.
Bern, Schweiz.
9.-10. Jun. 2022.
Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Ulloa, Roberto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Adam, Silke
(7 September 2021).
Tell me what you browse: Using browser tracking to study (political) information behaviour (Unpublished).
8th European Communication Conference (ECREA 2021) - "Communication and trust".
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto; Gil Lopez, Teresa
(29 July 2021).
Pushing research on user-centric information exposure forward: bringing tracking, survey and automated text classification together (Unpublished).
de León, Ernesto; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Adam, Silke
(27 May 2021).
Rally `Round what Flag? The Role of Media Consumption during the COVID-19 Pandemic for the Development of Political Trust in Switzerland (Unpublished).
71st Annual ICA conference - "Engaging the Essential Work of Care: Communication, Connectedness, and Social Justice".
Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Lopez, Teresa Gil; Maier, Michaela
(9 April 2021).
Media consumption and conspiracy beliefs in COVID-19 times – combing tracking and survey research (Unpublished).
Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DACH 21).
Makhortykh, Mykola; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Urman, Aleksandra; Lopez, Teresa Gil; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto
(9 April 2021).
News at the time of crisis: Comparing desktop- and mobile-based browsing behaviour during COVID-19 pandemic (Unpublished).
Dreiländertagung für Kommunikationswissenschaft (DACH 21).
Adam, Silke; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hannah
(5 February 2021).
Klimawandelskeptiker und ihre (mögliche) Resonanz in den Massenmedien (Unpublished).
5. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Wissenschaftskommunikation der DGPuK - "Wissenschaftskommunikation in zivilgesellschaftlichen Auseinandersetzungen".
Gil Lopez, Teresa; Maier, Michaela; Welzenbach-Vogel, Ines C.; Christner, Clara; Zingernagel, Axel; Adam, Silke; Schmitt, Manfred; Tillman, Erik
(15 July 2020).
The structure of populist radical-right attitudes: Introducing a typology of explicit and implicit PRR attitudes for Germany and Switzerland (Unpublished).
The 43rd annual scientific meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP) - "Polarization, Misinformation, and Entrenched Group Conflict: Harnessing Political Psychology to Find Solutions to Problems".
Aigenseer, V.; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, C.; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, T.
(24 September 2019).
Webtrack – Desktop Extension for Tracking Users’ Browsing Behaviour using Screen-Scraping (Unpublished).
GESIS Computational Social Science (CSS) Seminar.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Reber, Ueli; Schmid-Petri, Hannah
(3 September 2019).
How climate change skeptics spread their ideas: A multi-method approach to assess the effect of online communication on media coverage (Unpublished).
European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science 2019.
ETH Zurich.
02.09.19 — 04.09.19.
Aigenseer, V.; Adam, Silke; Maier, M.; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, C.; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, T.
(17 July 2019).
Online tracking tools for research purposes: A critical review of existing approaches (Unpublished).
5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).
Aigenseer, V.; Adam, Silke; Maier, M.; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, C.; Makhortykh, Mykola; Gil-Lopez, T.
(17 July 2019).
WebTrack – tracking users’ online information behavior while screen-scraping content (Unpublished).
5th International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2).
Adam, Silke; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas
(24 May 2019).
An analysis of online framing dynamics between climate advocates and skeptics in the UK (Unpublished).
69th Annual International Communication Association (ICA) Conference.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Reber, Ueli; Schmid-Petri, Hannah
(4 April 2019).
How climate change skeptics spread their ideas: the role of online communication in shaping mass media debates (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der Schweizer Gesellschaft für Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft.
Aigenseer, V.; Urman, Aleksandra; Maier, M.; Adam, Silke; Christner, C.
Webtrack. Chrome Extension for Tracking Users' Browsing Behavior using Screen-Scraping (Unpublished).
3rd Digital Tracking Workshop.
Adam, Silke
(12 November 2018).
Frame-building in a Digital Age. An analysis of Framing Dynamics Between Climate Advocates and Skeptics in the UK (Unpublished).
Lecture series des IPMZ der Universität Zürich.
Universität Zürich.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, Hanna; Reber, Ueli
(26 May 2018).
Political contestation online: Analyzing coalitions and their online strength in the field of climate change (Unpublished).
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association - "Communication and the Evolution of Voice".
Prague, Czech Republic.
Eugster, Beatrice; Bathelt, Severin; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(26 May 2018).
Euroskeptic Parties' Influence on the Media Agenda: A Seven Country Analysis of Media Agenda-Building in the Up-Run to the 2014 European Parliament Elections (Unpublished).
68th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association - "Communication and the Evolution of Voice".
Prague, Czech Republic.
Eugster, Beatrice; Adam, Silke; Bathelt, Severin; Maier, Michaela
(26 May 2018).
Does negativity about Europe push parties on the media agenda? A seven-country comparison on parties' influence on the media agenda in the up-run to the 2014 European Parliament elections (Unpublished).
European elections and political structuring - Workshop.
WZB, Berlin, Germany.
Bathelt, Severin; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
(22 November 2017).
Still the question: Who sets Europe on the agenda – political parties or mass media? A seven country comparison in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament elections. (Unpublished).
ECREA Pol Com Interim Conference 2017.
Adam, Silke
(8 November 2017).
Die neuen Gatekeeper im Internet und ihre Konsequenzen für die demokratische Politik (Unpublished).
Veranstaltungsreihe «Der gläserne Mensch», Katholische Kirche Bern.
25. Okt. - 15. Nov. 2017.
Schmid-Petri, H.; Häussler, Thomas; Adam, Silke; Reber, Ueli; Maier, M.; Miltner, P.; Pfetsch, B.; Waldherr, A.
(25 May 2017).
Homophily versus prestige – adding topics to the explanation of link formation on the web. (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
San Diego.
Maier, M.; Waldherr, A.; Miltner, P.; Wiedemann, G.; Niekler, A.; Keinert, A.; Pfetsch, B.; Heyer, G.; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, H.; Adam, Silke
(25 May 2017).
Applying LDA topic modeling in communication research. Towards a valid and reliable methodology (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
San Diego.
Adam, Silke; Maurer, M.; Häussler, Thomas; Hassler, J.; Oschatz, C.; Reber, Ueli; Schmid-Petri, H.
(25 May 2017).
Climate Change Communication - A Divide between the Online and Offline World? (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
San Diego.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid-Petri, H.; Reber, Ueli
(1 April 2017).
The role of the Web for counter-coalitions in the climate change debate in Germany, Switzerland and the UK. (Unpublished).
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michalea
Populist radical right citizens: Studying their information behavior and resulting attitude effects in Switzerland and Germany (Unpublished).
Invited talk at the University of Washington.
Seattle, Vereinigte Staaten.
Adam, Silke
(29 October 2016).
Die neuen Gatekeeper im Internet und ihre Konsequenzen für die demokratische Politik. Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe Medienlandschaft im Umbruch (Unpublished).
Forumsprojekt 2016: Medien im Umbruch Direkte Demokratie in Gefahr?.
21. Okt. - 26. November 2016.
Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva; Kritzinger, Sylvia
(13 June 2016).
Faces of Euroskepticism in the mass media – a seven country comparison (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA) 2016.
Fukuoka, Japan.
9-.13. Juni 2016.
Adam, Silke
(June 2016).
Talking `bout Europe in the 2014 European Parliament Elections. Parties, Media, and Voters between Financial Crisis, Euroskepticism, and Top Candidates. (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
Adam, Silke
(17 March 2016).
Das Ende des journalistischen Selektionsmonopols. Neue Selektionsmechanismen im Netz und wie diese den Wettstreit um politische Aufmerksamkeit prägen (Unpublished).
Vortrag vor dem Grossen Rat des Kantons Bern.
Maier, Michaela; Leidecker, Melanie; Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Bacherle, Patrick
(18 September 2015).
The Interplay between Parties and Media in Putting EU-Issues on the Agenda. A temporal pattern analysis of the 2014 European Parliamentary election campaigns in Austria, Germany, and the United Kingdom (Unpublished).
First annual International Journal of Press / Politics Conference.
Oxford, Grossbritannien.
16.-18. September 2015.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Leidecker, Melanie; Eugster, Beatrice; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva; Schmidt, Franzisca
(28 August 2015).
Strategies of pro-EU parties in times of a Euroskeptic challenge. A six country comparison of strategic party communication in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament election (Unpublished).
ECREA Political Communication Conference.
Odense, Dänemark.
27.-28. August 2015.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas Wolfgang Martin; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli
(June 2015).
Online-Offline: zwei getrennte Welten? Der Einfluss von politischen Offline-Kontextfaktoren auf die Struktur von Online-Issue-Netzwerken (Unpublished).
Conference Vertrauen in der politischen Kommunikation.
Mainz, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva; Eugster, Beatrice; Leidecker, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Schmidt, Franzisca
(14 March 2015).
The interplay between Euroskeptic challenger and pro-European mainstream parties – A six country comparison of strategic party communication in the run-up to the 2014 European Parliament election (Unpublished).
SGKM-Jahrestagung "Kontexte und Konsequenzen: Ansätze und Erträge der vergleichenden Kommunikations- und Medienwissenschaft".
Bern, Schweiz.
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Adam, Silke; Arlt, Dorothee; Reber, Ueli; Häussler, Thomas Wolfgang Martin
(March 2015).
Global issues – rooted nationally? The print media coverage of climate change as a global issue in Switzerland, Germany, the UK and the USA (Unpublished).
Bern, Schweiz.
13.-14. März 2015.
Häussler, Thomas Wolfgang Martin; Adam, Silke; Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Reber, Ueli
(February 2015).
Getrennte Welten? Der Einfluss von politischen Offline-Kontextfaktoren auf die Struktur von Online-Issue-Netzwerken. Ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und den USA im Bereich des Klimawandels (Unpublished).
Tagung „Politische Online-Kommunikation. Voraussetzungen, Facetten und Folgen des strukturellen Wandels politischer Kommunikation“.
Düsseldorf, Deutschland.
19.-21. Februar 2015.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(18 November 2014).
The role of national parties for the politicization of EU integration (Unpublished).
Campaigning for Europe 2014. Parties, Mass Media and Voters in the European Parliamentary Elections 2014.
Annweiler / DE.
Adam, Silke; Leidecker, Melanie; Maier, Michaela; Antl-Wittenberg, Eva-Maria
(14 November 2014).
Downplaying or Pushing Euro-Skepticism in the Context of the Euro Crisis? Strategic Political Communication in the Run-Up to the 2014 European Parliament Elections in Germany and Austria. (Unpublished).
European Communication Conference (ECC ECREA) 2014.
Adam, Silke; Eugster, Beatrice; Maier, Michaela; Leidecker, Melanie; Arlt, Dorothee; Schmidt, Franzisca
(5 September 2014).
Politicization of EU integration – the right-wing challenge for mainstream parties‘ 2014 EP campaign communication (Unpublished).
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Maier, Jürgen
(9 July 2014).
Distinguishing Effects of Content and Source in Party Communication on Citizens‘ Attitudes towards Europe (Unpublished).
ISPP Konferenz.
Adam, Silke
(14 May 2014).
Wie wir durch Kommunikation beeinflusst werden. Ein Experiment zur Klimawandelkommunikation in Anlehnung an das nobelpreisgekrönte Framing-Experiment von Amos Tversky und Daniel Kahneman. (Unpublished).
ohne Titel.
Staatskanzlei Bern.
Adam, Silke; Häussler, Thomas; Schmid, Hannah
(14 April 2014).
Koalitionen im Netz: Eine Analyse der Akteurkonstellationen im Bereich der US-amerikanischen Klimawandeldebatte (Unpublished).
Maier, Michaela; Krause, Stefan; Maier, Jürgen; Jahn, Nico; Adam, Silke
(September 2013).
Measuring Citizens’ Implicit and Explicit Attitudes towards the European Union (Unpublished).
Bordeaux, Frankreich.
4.-7. September 2013.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
(June 2013).
Party Communication About Europe. Who puts Europe on the Agenda (Unpublished).
Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies.
Wasenaar, Niederlande.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke; Retzbach, Andrea
(7 July 2012).
The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens‘ EU support. An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished).
6.-9. Juli 2012.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Recipients' characteristics and country contexts as moderating factors for framing effects. An experimental study of party campaign effects in 11 countries in the run-up to the 2009 EP elections. WAPOR conference, Amsterdam, September 2011.
Adam, Silke
Party campaigns in the up-run to the European Parliament elections. Presetation at the Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung (MZES), Mannheim, April 2011.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
The politicization of EU integration? Agents and effects Presentation at the Netherlands Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS), January 2011.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
The impact of identity and economic cues on citizens' EU support: An experimental study on the effects of party communication in the run-up to the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished).
Presentation at the colloquium of Prof. Claude Messner.
University of Bern.
November 2011.
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke
Media Agenda Building in Online and Offline Media - Comparing Issues and Countries. ECPR conference, Island, August 2011.
Adam, Silke
Studying media content from a network perspective: a systematic combination of relational content and network analysis.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Does the type of campaign make the difference? An experimental study of campaign effects on citizens’ EU evaluations in 11 countries.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Domestic or Europeanized election campaigns? The role of euro-skeptic parties in the 2009 European Parliament election.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
Effects of Personalized TV Ads on Candidate Evaluation and Voting Decision.
ohne Verlag.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(December 2009).
National Political Parties as Promoter of Ideas About Europe? The 2009 EP Election (Unpublished).
KFG Conference The Transformative Power of Europe.
Berlin, Deutschland.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
(October 2009).
Between integration and demarcation: effects of party campaigns in the 2009 European Parliament elections (Unpublished).
Campaigning for Europe.
Landau, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(August 2009).
Party mobilization on Europe? Theoretical and methodological considerations (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 2009 (EPOP).
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(August 2009).
Effects of first- and second-order campaigns on voters in the 2009 European Parliament election (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung Elections, Public Opinion and Parties 2009 (EPOP).
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(June 2009).
Politicization of European Parliament election campaigns? (Unpublished).
“The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Policies and Politics” der Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP).
Delphi, Griechenland.
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela
(April 2009).
Die Personalisierung der Politik – eine Forschungsagenda für die Zukunft (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK).
Bremen, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke
(July 2008).
Personalization in politics – a critical assessment of its normative connotations (Unpublished).
Jahrestagung der International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR).
Stockholm, Schweden.
Maier, Michaela; Adam, Silke
(July 2008).
Between Integration and Demarcation – Strategies and Effects of party campaigns in the context of the 2009 European Parliament Elections (Unpublished).
Pre-Conference „Campaign Strategies and Messages, Media Coverage, and Effects. A conference on Comparative Research on the 2009 European Parliamentary Elections”.
Sigtuna, Schweden.
Adam, Silke; Pfetsch, Barbara
(July 2007).
Integration versus Abgrenzung – Konfliktstrukturen europäischer Öffentlichkeit (Unpublished).
Autorenkonferenz PVS-Sonderheft.
Münster, Deutschland.
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
(May 2007).
The voice of the national press on European integration. A comparative analysis of agenda setting and framing in Western Europe (Unpublished).
57. Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
San Francisco, Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika.
Adam, Silke
(May 2007).
Symbolic networks – a connection of content and network analysis for studying mass media debates (Unpublished).
Sunbelt Social Network Conference.
Korfu, Griechenland.
Adam, Silke; Pfetsch, Barbara
(January 2007).
Europe without a face – the lack of personalization as obstacle for a European public sphere? (Unpublished).
Ladenburger Diskurs „Personalisierte Kommunikation in Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft“ der Gottlieb Daimler- und Karl-Benz Stiftung.
Ladenburg, Deutschland.
Pfetsch, Barbara; Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
(July 2006).
The Voice of the Media in European Public Sphere. Agenda-setters, shapers of conflicts and Bridges of Cross-Border Communication (Unpublished).
20th World Congress of IPSA (International Political Science Association), Research Committee 22: Political Communication.
Fukuoka, Japan.
Adam, Silke
(20 June 2006).
Domestic Adaptations of European Issues: A Network Analysis of the German and French Media Debates on EU Enlargement and a common Constitution (Unpublished).
56. Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
Dresden, Deutschland.
19.-23. Juni 2006.
Adam, Silke
(January 2006).
Europäische Öffentlichkeit. Eine netzwerkanalytische Betrachtung der deutschen und französischen Verfassungs- und Erweiterungsdebatten (Unpublished).
Vortrag an der Technischen Universität Dresden.
Dresden, Deutschland.
Kriesi, Hanspeter; Adam, Silke; Jochum, Margit
(October 2005).
Comparative analysis of policy networks in Western Europe (Unpublished).
CONNEX Treffen.
Mannheim, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
(27 May 2005).
Brussels as breeding ground for Europeanisation? (Unpublished).
55. Jahrestagung der International Communication Association (ICA).
New York, Vereinigte Staaten.
26.-30. Mai 2005.
Kriesi, Hanspeter; Adam, Silke; Jochum, Margit
(May 2005).
Comparative analysis of policy networks in Western Europe (Unpublished).
CONNEX Treffen.
Bled, Slowenien.
Adam, Silke
(May 2005).
Medien als Akteure in symbolischen Netzwerken. Ein Vergleich der Rolle national medialer und politischer Akteure in der EU-Erweiterungsdebatte mit Hilfe der Netzwerkanalyse (Unpublished).
Gemeinsame Jahrestagung vom Arbeitskreis „Politik und Kommunikation“ der DVPW und der Fachgruppe „Kommunikation und Politik“ der DGPuK.
Stuttgart, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke
(12 November 2004).
Stärke, Formen und Folgen der Europäisierung medialer Öffentlichkeiten. Ein Vergleich der Machtstrukturen in europäisierten und nationalen Debatten mit Hilfe der Netzwerkanalyse (Unpublished).
Konferenz „Medialer Wandel und Europäische Öffentlichkeit“.
Wien, Österreich.
11.-12. November 2004.
Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
(October 2004).
How media systems can influence the success of European campaigns (Unpublished).
Konferenz “Campaigning for Europe. Parties, campaigns, mass media and the European Parliamentary Elections 2004”.
Landau, Deutschland.
Adam, Silke
(May 2004).
Power in public spheres – a network analysis. Comparing the German debate on EU governance structures and pension politics (Unpublished).
Internationale Konferenz „Sunbelt Social Network Conference“.
Portoroz, Slowenien.
Adam, Silke
(November 2003).
Power in public spheres – a network analysis. The discourse on the future of Europe (Unpublished).
Internationale Konferenz “The European Public Sphere” an der Humboldt Universität Berlin.
Berlin, Deutschland.
28.-30. November 2003.
Adam, Silke; Berkel, Barbara
(June 2003).
Media structures as a brake block of the Europeanization of public spheres? Development of a cross-national Typology (Unpublished).
Internationale Konferenz „Europeanization of Public Spheres“ am Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin.
Berlin, Deutschland.
Working Paper
Adam, Silke; Makhortykh, Mykola; Maier, Michaela; Aigenseer, Viktor; Urman, Aleksandra; Gil-Lopez, Teresa; Christner, Clara; de León, Ernesto; Ulloa, Roberto
Improving the quality of individual-level online information tracking: Challenges of existing approaches and introduction of a new content-and long-tail sensitive academic solution
Cornell University
Makhortykh, Mykola; de León, Ernesto; Urman, Aleksandra; Christner, Clara; Sydorova, Maryna; Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; Gil-Lopez, Teresa
Panning for gold: Lessons learned from the platform-agnostic automated detection of political content in textual data (Submitted)
Cornell University
Schmid-Petri, Hannah; Häussler, Thomas; Adam, Silke; Waldherr, Annie; Miltner, Peter; Pfetsch, Barbara; Bennett, Lance
Codebook for the analysis of frames in online documents and newspaper articles. Issue: Climate change (Unpublished)
Universität Bern
Adam, Silke
(September 2009).
Bringing the Mass Media in. The Contribution of the Mass Media for Understanding Citizens’ Attitudes towards the European Union
(KFG Working Paper Series 4).
Berlin: Freie Universität Berlin
Knocks, Stefanie
In search of the "why" behind campaign professionalisation: explaining the degree and profile of campaign professionalisation by an empirical analysis of 23 Swiss cantonal election campaigns.
(Dissertation, Universität Bern, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaftliche Fakultät)
Journal or Series
Newman, Bruce I.; Adam, Silke; De Vreese, Claes H.; Berganza, Rosa
Journal of Political Marketing, 12(1).
Taylor & Francis
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; De Vreese, Claas; Schuck, Andreas
Politicization of EU integration. Codebook for mass media coverage [Dataset].
Adam, Silke; Maier, Michaela; De Vreese, Claas; Schuck, Andreas
Politicization of EU integration. Codebook for party communication [Dataset].
Adam, Silke
(9 December 2013).
Mehr Demokratie dank Internet?
SRF 2, Sendung "Kontexte".
This list was generated on Tue Nov 5 05:19:46 2024 CET.